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Crawford Learning Center

CLC News

Welcome Back to West!

waving hand

 Hello, I’m Mrs. Kelly, your CLC Director at West School!  I’m so excited to be your school librarian this year.  I hope that you had a great summer!  The CLC has been remodeled, the books are on the shelf, and I’m so happy to teach in our new learning space.  This summer, I took many walks with my dog, Frankie. I worked really hard in my garden and read a whole bunch of books.  My favorite was The Last Human by Lee bacon.  I’ll tell you all about it when I see you in class.  I can’t wait to meet you all and begin this new adventure together.  See you soon!

hand waving

  Hi Westies! I’m Mrs. Salzman,  your CLC Teacher Associate. Welcome back to school. I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing summer break. I spent a lot of time this summer taking long walks with my dog Fletcher. I started a new vegetable garden, and am harvesting lots of tomatoes.  I also rode my bike almost every day, and am continuing this by riding to school. I am looking forward to meeting you and helping you check out your favorite books!

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Allows students, parents, and teachers to search a database to find books at an appropriate reading level for students and also gives the number of AR points for the book.
Access to three encyclopedias and a dictionary. Search over 98,000 articles and 24,000 images and video clips, detailed maps of more than 200 countries, all US cities, and all Canadian provinces are included.
Animated, curricular content that engages students, supports educators, and bolsters achievement.
Use this research tool to find articles from hundreds of Newspapers and Magazines. You can search this database by topic or magazine title.

West CLC Director

Mary Kelly


Find a Book in the West CLC

destiny discover library catalog


Favorite Sites

west school lunch activities
3rd grade connect ed
4th grade connect ed
illinois assessment of readiness
newsela in blue rectangle